Tagliolini Egg
Tagliolini Egg
A format that is unrivaled for delicacy and cooking resistance. Angelo, a waiter at Harry's Bar for many years and one of Truman Capote's favorites, had very clear ideas about food and always liked to tell customers what they had to eat. Since he was usually on a diet, he especially recommended tagliolini with oil and parsley and that was what everyone ordered!
1 kg of the best quality durum wheat semolina 7 fresh eggs processed with precision, energy and patience Over 80 folding steps thanks to an exclusive machine designed by Arrigo Cipriani. After 14 hours of drying at low temperature, we obtain a thin and velvety sheet on the palate, which in a few minutes of cooking grows generous and perfectly 'al dente'.

We always guarantee freshness and quality products.
wide selection
We carry a wide selection of cheeses from around the world.